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Bunion Correctors - Shopzal


Bunion Correctors

Inactivity brought by modern life and poor quality shoes can cause many foot diseases. Hallux valgus is one of the most common foot deformity.

Hallux valgus, the most common foot deformity, is characterised as a combined deformity with a malpositioning of the first metatarsophalangeal joint caused by a lateral deviation of the great toe and a medial deviation of the first metatarsal bone. The shape of the big toe affects the structure of the entire foot. The progression of the disease will lead to intense foot and finger pain, as well as inflammation. The resulting inflammation causes the foot to swell and become even more painful. Failure to treat the inflammation in time causes the disease to worsen. For this reason, deformities and inflammation in the feet should not be taken lightly.

There may be many reasons that play a role in the development of hallux valgus. It occurs due to genetic and environmental factors. Certain factors have been considered to play a role in the development of hallux valgus sucah as gender, studies have revealed that hallux valgus disease is seen ten times more frequently in women. It is argued that the reason for this is high heels and uncomfortable women’s shoes. Footwear, even sneakers as well as high heel shoes can cause this disease. There may be a predisposition to foot diseases genetically. This means that individuals with a family history of hallux valgus are at risk. Those with flatfoot disease are also more prone to hallux valgus. 

The first treatment option for Hallux Valgus is non-operative care. Night splint can be applied as a treatment method. In this treatment, a supportive splint is used to keep the shape of the big toe. This splint helps the big toe move as it should, keeping joints healthy. In addition, hallux valgus shoes can be recommended by the doctor to prevent the disease from progressing. These shoes prevent further inflammation and deformation of the joint by preventing the friction between the foot and the shoe. This makes the pain of the disease less felt. In addition, since hallux valgus shoes will support the sole of the foot, it ensures that the foot remains in its natural structure and stops the progression of the disease.

If you also complain of swelling, deformity and pain in your feet and think that you may have this disease, By purchasing these products, you can treat the disease before it progresses.

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